Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What am I doing with myself?

Z was very concerned for me before she left. She worried that I would be bored and lonely and "What was I going to do all by myself??"

Good Question.

My plan had been to write. Well yesterday I wrote for almost three hours and got over 5000 words down. Pere read it and I could tell he thought it was good because he only got half of it read before we left for dinner and a movie and when we came back instead of going to bed he wanted to finish reading it. *smile*

I will probably work on it some more today. But I also need to make time to finish editing that story I wrote in November.

Other than the writing I paid the bills, filed some papers, ran some errands, etc.

I also watched two episode of Agatha Christie' Poirot and read some Sherlock Holmes short stories.

In the evening Pere and I went out for dinner to P.F. Changs and then went to see the movie Hot Fuzz. It is by the same guys who did Shaun of the Dead which I preferred but Hot Fuzz was really funny and good.


C's Learning Treasures said...

That's so sweet of Z to be concerned about you:)

sarah said...

5000 in three hours?! You ARE fast! So when are you going to share an excerpt with us?

I had to chuckle at Z's concern. :-)

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That is wonderful! Very sweet about Z too.

Garden State Kate said...

Sounds like you are putting your time
to good use. My P. likes to call
me on the phone, even if she's just gone for an hour or two, to check on me. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can just imagine the sense of s-p-a-c-e you must have in your day. (In my mind it is probably exaggerated, but no need to correct that fantasy!)

I hope the extended writing time will help get you keep writing more when Z. gets back.

Anonymous said...

Z is such a nice girl. Your progress sounds great. Isn't funny how you can really tell when someone appreciates what you've done or accomplished the way Pere did. You just know.

I must be totally out of it. I knew nothing about the Hot Fuzz movie.