Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I am leaving soon to have lunch with Pere so I might not have time to write about this as well as I mean to. On a board for parents of gifted kids there is some talk about bragging about our kids. I had some thoughts on the subject but I don't want to get into it on that board so I thought it best if I just post about it here.

I do brag about Z on this blog. I know I do. I admit it. So sue me. *grin*

I sometimes say factual things about what she is doing on other gifted boards but I don't considering bragging, it is not out of the ordinary there.

And I don't talk about what she is doing or brag in my normal life (i.e. amoung people who do not have gifted kids where it would be considered bragging.) Well, maybe I do a little bit but only because I like to share funny stories with friends and sometimes it comes up then. But people I see regularly have no idea what Z is doing in math or music. They don't know what she is reading unless she has a book with her. They usually can tell she is gifted by talking to her but I don't talk about it.

But on my blog I do brag. I want to talk about how I am really feeling and truly and honestly I feel a lot of things - some of it is excitement and happiness and some of it is fear and concern. I think I am just as likely to write about something that is not going well with Z as I am about the good things. Just like any parent I am proud of her accomplishments and frustrated by a number of things and pleased with her sweetness and worried about the future and all the things that any parent might feel. And I share it all here.

I guess I have decided that I am free to brag here just as I am free to talk about all the other feelings I have as a parent. Try not to be offended and please understand I don't I talk about Z like this in my normal life. Really most of the people I see on a weekly basis have no idea what Z is really up to.

But other than wanting to be free to share my thoughts on my blog I am also writing it to be a resource to the gifted community and I feel like being honest about what she is doing is helpful to others who may be reading this blog for that purpose.


L said...

Brag as much as you want to. To be hones I don't even consider this bragging. You are just writing down what Z can do and what's part of her and your life.

I see where you are coming from though. It seems to be perfectly fine to talk about your kid being baseball superstar but for some reason you cannot say anything which would show that your child could be bright. What's up with that? Sports are fine but math and reading are not? Your child can be the best in the gymnastics class but reading chapter books at the age of 3 makes her look weird.

We all want to talk about our children and it's disturbing that some things just cannot be said without getting weird looks.

I think blog is a perfect outlet for "bragging" and that's why I started mine, simply because there are things I can tell to only few people and writing them down seems like a good way of getting it out.

So keep "bragging". I personally find it amazing as well as informative to see what Z can do.

sarah said...

Brag away! That's one of the privileges of parenthood that is denied to parents of gifted children, and I think you should take any opportunity to do it without fear of repercussions. I for one love to read it.

Garden State Kate said...

I do not have what I would consider a "gifted" child, however I do enjoy reading your blog.I do not think
your writing about what Z is doing is "bragging", it is just what she is doing. Have I mentioned I really enjoy reading it? ;-)

Sucero Family said...

Bragging? No way. I have never once thought that what you are doing here is bragging. You are just telling it like it is and I for one love to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

I think you craft your blog in a way that obviously does not come off as bragging. Citcat isn't exactly gifted but I do love reading about your life and Z's

And for the record, I am more envious of all the resources, classes and attractions you have in your area.

Jaime said...

For heaven's sake, if you can't brag on your blog, where can you? ;-) I agree with - bragging is a parental right denied to parents of gifted kids. We should be able to tell others that we are proud of our children, and I think our children need to know it, too. It's the *competitive* bragging among other parents that bugs me... not the sharing of accomplishments that you do. Have you seen the SNL skits with Penelope? THAT is the kind of bragging that bugs me - http://snltranscripts.jt.org/06/06ppenelope.phtml

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Sorry to hear this. I hope they were not attacking you personally given the history.

C's Learning Treasures said...

What's the purpose of blogging if you can't bring a bit of brag to it;-) Having said that you are simply talking about what Z is doing, not really bragging. I feel I am also pretty much stating what O is doing, but there are proud Mom moments every now and then,we all have them:)

Anonymous said...

I like the position you've taken -- if you can't "brag" here where can you? But I don't think it is really bragging.
I find it a tough one. People call me up or send me e-mails to say "Guess what my kid did!" I am generally pleased when they do (except on the rare occasion when I can tell they are trying to get me to say something about V. so they can make a comparison). I like knowing that someone considers me a friend that they can share their happiness with.
Still, I don't usually return that "favor," and when I do I often make a point of saying something like, "I wouldn't say this to everyone, but . . ." It's nice for me to have the blog and know that some of you out there understand!

Cher Mere said...

Thank you everyone!