Friday, May 18, 2007

More Goodness

I am feeling really good about where Z is right now.

I was chatting with a good friend recently about EPGY Math as her PG daughter is doing it too. My friend asked me if math is Z's best subject and I said no, that is was her second to the lowest subject, with spelling being her lowest. Everything else comes easier to her than math I think.

My friend commented then that it might be exhausting for Z to be at least four years ahead in all her subjects (except spelling). We had to leave right then so I didn't really get a chance to explain to her that it really isn't exhausting at all. She loves all her classes and she still has a lot of free time.

Everyone is different. What works for one family isn't best for everyone. This is obvious right? But still other's judge us by how what we do would work for them and we often do the same thing to ourselves. Unschooling works best for some. Others are finding their place being multi-grade skipped in public school.

What Z is doing is what works for us. There are a couple outstanding issues, like piano. Also I am not too happy with the langauge arts program I designed. But EPGY Math has been working so well for us that I am going to try their language arts program in the fall and I am excited about that.

Right now I am trusting myself and what I think is the right way to go about educating my daughter. It is a good feeling.


C's Learning Treasures said...

It sounds like things are working out great for Z:) I agree with you,each child is unique and therefore each educational plan has to be too. I just wanted to let you know O's worst subject area is also spelling,I believe it has something to do with spell check on the computer though,because my own spelling is horrid from becoming so lazy!

Cher Mere said...

Yeah Z is not one of thos natural speller kids. She does okay, she is still a couple years ahead of her age but it is definitely not her best subject.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Let us know how EPGY as a writing program. I still have made no decision between the two I narrowed it down to.

sarah said...

Congratulations on getting to a place you are pleased with in your homeschooling. It's a lovely feeling, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I think outsiders have no real perception of the truth for our own kids. There is a huge difference between challenging them and pushing them. IT sounds like you are doing a great job!
When Scout was young, he was working grade levels above in everything but math. It was such a big deal then, but now that he is a high schooler, he is the one benefitting because he is easily able to handle ANY high school or college class (except math ;)
BTW, what Japanese program do you use, or is it a private tutor. Girlie totally wants to learn Japanese, and I am truly at a loss there...