Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I just had the longest conversation I ever had with Z's piano teacher. I called her about what time to do Z's class this week and ended up describing our curriculum, talking about my background, talking about gifted issues, Z's I.Q level, and even about the book Indigo Children.

Nothing really changed that I can tell. Her teacher was happy to learn more about what Z was doing in the rest of her life.

Still she wants me to be more committed to Z's piano. She said Z could be doing so much more than she is doing.

But I don't think it is right to make that decision for Z. She is only six and she is good at a lot of things. She has a full academic schedule most of the year at home as well as classes in Japanese, piano, voice, Shakespearean theatre and gymnasics. And all of her teacher in those classes would love for her to focus on their subject.

I want to keep her options open and I want her to have down time.


C's Learning Treasures said...

That sounds like a good idea. I think down time is so important,that's when kids(and adults) often come up with their most creative ideas:)

Garden State Kate said...

Z is lucky to have a Mom that
protects her down time!
I agree with you that she needs to have options.

sarah said...

I think you are wise and I agree with Kate about how you are protecting what Z needs - even if no one else (ie her teachers) recognizes that. It is good too you are remembering how young she is, when all they can see is her talent.