Monday, May 21, 2007

Homeschooling example

Every month I have to report to Z's charter school what she has been working on. Below is what I turned in today. It really only covers about 2 weeks because Z spent a week in Philly and took over a few days off here and there.

But here is an example of Z's homeschooling

EPGY: multiples of 10, Units of measurement (inches, feet, yards, rods, and miles), word problems with multiplying by 10, subtracting money, describing sets, adding and subtracting fractions, radii and segments, construction of equilateral triangles – scalene and isosceles, geometry, multiplication by 10’s and 100s, set operations, bisecting segments, division, multiplying and adding in the same problem, distributive law of multiplication, multiplying by 8 - 12’s, dividing by 6 – 12’s, multiplying by double digits – ex: 9 x 42
Filled out 12 x 12 Multiplication Table
Games: SET, Uno, Doodle Dice, Chess
Read: The Number Devil, The House that Math Built

Brainpop (movies and quizzes) : Renewable and Nonrenewable resources (10/10) Humans and the Environment (9/10), Biomes (9/10), Arctic Tundra (9/10), Bacteria (10/10), and Spiders (10/10)
Read : Rock Collecting, Crystals and Gems, Sky and Earth Children’s Encyclopedia, Body Battles, Human Body(bones, muscles, spinal cord), Forensics
Hands-on: Snap Circuits – light bulb, helicopter, and radio, Levers, Hydroponic garden
Science Class: Made Butter – discussed change in molecules, State of Matter – solids, liquids, and gases
T.V.: Planet Earth: Caves, and Rivers
Computer: Forensics online seminar

Language Arts
Wrote 1st draft, 2nd Draft and typed Final Draft of article “Highlights of My Day”
Wrote pretend resume
Wrote definitions of nouns, verbs, prefixes and suffixes, Looked up words in dictionary
Grammar Workbook: apostrophes, contractions came and come, ran and run, and rewrote sentences with correct punctuation
Books Read:
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table (still reading)
The Invention of Hugo Caberet
The Secret World of Mermaids
The Nancy Drew Files(still reading)
Nellie’s Promise
Bats at the Beach
The Miraculous Pitcher
Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Old Clock(still reading)
The Story of Tristam and Isolde
The Secret Fairy of Fairyland
Children’s Treasury of Rhymes, Songs, and Stories
The American Girl Club Handbook
Eragon(still reading)
Pirates of the Caribbean story book
Robin Hood (still reading)
The Jungle Book
The Frog Prince
The Ant in the Parking Lot
Goops and How to be them
The House that Math Built
The Number Devil (still reading)
Return to Brookmere
The Dutch boy and the dike
What the Apple taught Newton
A Child’s Garden of Verses
+ various picture books

Social Studies
Read: King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, The Story of William Tell, King Canute and the Courtier, Life in the Middles Ages, Middle Ages
Brainpop (movies and quizzes): Taiga (10/10), Latitude and Longitude (9/10), The Black Death (10/10)
Geography Workbook: Used Map to label and find geographic areas in Asia and South America

Life Skills
Physical Education: Yoga and Pilates 5 x week, gymnastics 1 x week, Bike riding 9 miles 1 x week, Ice Skating, Swimming, and Dance Dance Revolution

Responsibilities: Read 32 pages of Everyday Life Book (ex: How does a light bulb make light, how does a key turn a lock), Filled out calendar for self for next 3 months, helped cook, did chores.

Field Trips: Recycling Center, Colburn Performing Arts School, Benefit for Pediatric AIDs, Cinco De Mayo Celebration at Walt Disney Concert Hall – musicians, singers, dancers, and art), Trip to Philadelphia – saw Liberty Bell, Trip to New York, New York – saw Broadway Show Tarzan

Computer: Researched Spiders, Played math games on Cyberchase, Played at Music Lab on the San Francisco Symphony site, Researched Homonyms, Typed article on Word document, Participated in online Forensics seminar, and Brainpop

Community Involvement – Cinco De Mayo Celebration, participated in weekly Girl’s Club which included a Mother’s Day Tea

Special Skills
Arts/Crafts: Studied the art of collage, made an Earth Day collage using 3D texture, Made and decorated magazine holder, painted a color wheel, Studied color, Studied artists Whistler and O’Keefe, Studied composition, symmetry, asymmetry, create original asymmetrical composition, made pressed flower window hanging, painted a seashell from a model

Music: Participated in Spring Music Festival, practiced piano (45 – 60 minutes a day), practiced singing for voice, recorded original songs

Wrote in hirgana in journal 5 x week, practiced telling date and time, changed verbs to formal (okiru – okimasu), changed verbs to past tense, practiced songs in Japanese, practiced using particles (to, de, e, and wo)


sarah said...

That's a fantastic list. I'm impressed by the amount and quality of learning that Z does.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Wow, that is a very detailed report you have to turn in!

Garden State Kate said...

Wow is right, so far we don't have to do that here, and I hope it doesn't change.
I agree with Patience too.

Cher Mere said...

Mariposa - I keep all information anyway. I have been keeping a daily log of what Z does for a couple years now. This is that same information but compiled for a month. I really like seeing it this way and now that I have done it for five months I might keep doing it even if I didn't have to turn it in.

Anonymous said...

Hoo! I am tired looking at that list. I'm so glad you post such things -- it is really helpful and inspiring. I have not started any record keeping yet, other than my blog!

Cher Mere said...

Hi Shuan

Probably two-thirds of that is done before lunch. Only some of her classes as well as TV shows and computer games and most of the P.E. are in the afternoon.

Oh yeah, and most of the books I have listed are books she chose to read I her own time (like before bed.)

But remember we usually only spend 20 - 30 minutes on each subject.

Anonymous said...

Do the evaluators just shake their heads in amazement? Have you posted about Brainpop? If so, will you direct me to it. I would love to hear your opinion of the program. I might sign up for the 14 day trail just to get feel for it. The content looks interesting.

I couldn't find a listing for the book Everyday Life Book. It sounds interesting. The list of the books Z read is amazing. Wow.

BTW, if I kept a record of what we did everyday. It would include entries like "read to me" and a lot of whining. Citcat is driving me crazy lately as my dh has been out of town for the last several weeks and home on the weekends.

Cher Mere said...

Hi Nina

go to Z really lkes it. I think it is 3rd and up level

LOL about what would be on your record.

I will write about Z's piano background soon.Thanks!

L said...

Wow. It's really amazing how much she and you can do in one month different and how many different subjects she learns about. It would have taken months if not years in a full day school program.