Monday, January 29, 2007

What a voice over job is like

Z had a voice-over job today at a real studio. I thought some of you might find the experience interesting.

The studio we were in had a large room for the engineer and a couples of couches and chairs in front of a pretty big sound booth, with room for a four or more people.

I hung out on the couch and watched. Z went into the booth with the director. They had the producers on a conference call plugged into the booth listening to it live. Z's commercial was for a hospital in another state and the producers are located there.

Inside the booth you don't have to wear headphones but you do have to not makes noises with your body (tapping or sniffing) and you should try to keep your face the same distance from the mic.

Z started by going through the whole commercial which was about seven long sentences. After the first run through the director had her break down the lines and say them different ways.

"This time say it like you are sad."
"Okay now less sad."
"Okay now more sad on the this word."
"Now say it matter-of factly."
"Now say it with an emphasis on this word."
"Say this part a little slower."
"Say that part happier" etc.

They went through stuff like that with all the lines so that the producers could pick which ones they liked the best and even mix and match stuff from different takes.

The director Z worked with was really sweet and good with kids. Z had fun kidding around with him. After the job he told Z that he hoped to work with her again and that she is a great reader. :)

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