Sunday, January 21, 2007

the pendulum has swung

You may remember that I am now working with a charter school and for the $650 a semester they give me to spend on schooling stuff I have to jump through some hoops:

1. Check off attendance each official school day and record one activity that we did
2. Each month give one example to our "ES" in each of the six subjects*
3. Each month discuss achievements and goals in each of the six subjects with ES
4. Each semester give a "grade" in each of the six subjects - can be something like Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement or letter grades or number grades 1- 4, etc

"the six subjects Reading/Writing, Life Skills, History/Social Studies, Math, Science, and Special Interest

I noticed that since we started unschooling in December some areas that I think are important have not been addressed, like cursive, spelling and writing.

Of course, I do have some good excuses. Pere was home until Jan 8th, and thus no school work happened. Instead we had wonderful daddy-time. Then we had one week of really good schooling before Z had that crazy week of 12 auditions. But tomorrow is the beginning of another week and we are going to go back to our more rigorous studies.

For science we are going to do an enviromental/conservation study and for history we are going to do Middle Ages, for reading she is going to read King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. She will be starting EPGY Math in February and Will we go bac to having Language Arts lessons four days a week. I bought a book today that teaches spelling the VCV way.

I don't really love having to document so much of what we are doing for our charter school but it has brought to my awareness that Z was not progressing in certain areas.

1 comment:

Shaun said...

I had forgotten about your charter school affiliation. I can understand your feelings. But your "back-to-regular-homeschool" program sounds pretty fun. Let us know how you like EPGY.