Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our new plan

So I have been doing a lot of thinking (like, when am I not??) regarding what form our homeschooling should take this new year.

I take a lot of notes. It helps me think to write things down. Here are some thoughts I had over the New Year weekend:

Does it really matter what Zoe is learning except in Reading, Writing and Math?
No, I don’t think so. There is so much to learn and it is all good. Also she is so young that much of it she won't remember. At this point she needs to skills to learn and "bigger picture" things like how to learn and what is worth learning.

Does it matter what she is reading?
Only that she gets to read certain classics before she is too old for them. And that she read books with good vocabulary and noble ideas. Reading famous and important stories (not twaddle)

Does it matter what she is writing?
Not at this point. I want her just to get some practice at it.

Does it matter what math she is doing?
Practicing the basics and having fun.

What else matters?
Using her Japanese. Practicing her piano. Because those are skills that she is trying to grow.
Playing games, using our resources, having free time, doing physical activities.

What are some meta skills?
Risk-taking, problem finding and solving, doing yourself-ness.

Some things that might be helpful to Z in particular
meditating or quiet time, enough physical activity, playing with friends,
Taking time to answer questions, reading good literature written in a high style, visual spatial skills, narration

Scientific process, critical thinking, ecology, nature journaling/nature hikes

So this is how we are going to (try to) order our day

Basic Skills
Math: Goal– fluency and fun
Japanese: Goal – speaking
Piano: Goal – practicing technique and making music
Reading– biographies, poetry, and classics: Goal - Learning about human nature, finding beauty, entering a magical world
Writing: Goal - fluency

Helpful Extras
Meditation and Yoga
Physical Activity
Visual Spatial Skills

Afternoons are for
Projects - Art, Science, History, Nutrition, Writing, Geography, Typing, Nature Journaling, volunteering, Judaism, etc
Play Dates
Free Time


Anonymous said...

What a great plan:) I have to admit, that is what our day looks like most of the time. DD loves it. We have an awful lot of "clubs" that we belong to, and DD gets most of her writing practice by doing projects for those. I abhor "handwriting practice" stuff, and so does DD, unless it is cursive...then she does it herself;)

Anonymous said...

The list looks wonderful. You might have addressed this before but I am interested in how Z started Japanese. I know you are in a big city so lessons are probably easy to find. We live in a very small rural town where a class is not an option. Citcat is Chinese and I would love for her to learn Chinese. She hears and repeats words so well. I am sure she would excel in language when the time is right-which is now. She could say "hippopotamus" perfectly at 18 months, just to give you an idea of her skill. I have been thinking about hiring a private tutor, someone who speaks Mandarin, but how would I know if the tutor spoke proper Mandarin. Were you able to support Japanese in the home from the beginning?

Cher Mere said...


I would try getting board books in Chinese to read to her as well as populsr chinese childrens and folksongs and listen to them often.