Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Living my dream

One of the more disappointing things in my life (I admit it is a very short list) is that I have made myself so busy I do not have to time to live the life I have dreamed for myself even though it is right there waiting for me.

When I first got together with Pere I was doing some day dreaming and I wrote about a place I would love to live. It wasn't place specific except that I wanted to be able to walk to the beach. I wanted an balcony that looked out on the beach where I could eat my breakfast.

Well not even two years later I was living about one block from the ocean (way closer than even in my dream!) and my balcony looked out, not over the beach, but over my own waterway and boat!

I did go to the beach often. It was wonderful.

And sometimes I would sit out on the deck under blankets and read to Z, though not nearly often enough. And somedays we would have lunch on the deck or breakfast on the boat, but again, not nearly often enough.

When we began to search for another place I wrote up a list of things I would like. Big on the list was being able to walk to most of the places I would go.

Well, where I live now I can walk to three grocery stores, the library, a playground, two bookstores, two malls, two Targets, and bike to most of the classes that Z takes.

But how often do you think I actually walk to thoes places? Not nearly often enough. Again we had found a place that was a wish come true and I didn't make time to live it.

If I think about it there are many other things I could be doing that would make me much more fulfilled and satisfied but I am too busy doing things that don't to have time for them.

I can see how this also relates to homeschooling. Our lives, both Z and mine (and Pere) are passing us by and we are not living them the way we really want to.

I can be somewhat cheered by the changes I have been making recently. This morning I did walk to the market.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I can relate. When we lived in N. California we had a house on the delta. I use to go out my back door up the steps and take Ami for walks everyday along the water to look for birds, beavers, river otters and once there was a lost seal. The loop was 3.5 miles. But those were the baby & toddler years when we did't have to be on a schedule.

Now, we have this beautiful home on a golf course. I don't play anymore. (My husband plays.) I did not play well, I just knew how to play. There are tons of hiking trails and I am afraid of running into a mountain lion though a rattler would be more common. And now we drive our daughter to school in the city where there are no birds or wildlife to look at. And we spend twice as much time in the car as Ami. It is almost silly if we were not trying to do the right thing for her.

Finding balance is really hard but it sounds like you are trying to get some of this back.

Cher Mere said...

The house on the delta sounds wonderful!

Honestly I am getting very tired of being on the go all the time. And if I am tired how must Z be feeling?

Well apparently she has three times the energy of a normal human adult, so she is just dandy.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

lol Z has, "three times the energy of a normal human adult, so she is just dandy."

Anonymous said...

Cher-The universe is amazing. Before citcat I daydreamed and then set out to live in a place where I could walk everywhere-even to work. We were a one car family for nearly 15 years. I loved walking. It was with much regret that about 6 months after we brought citcat home (and after a very long bad winter) we bought a second car. Within weeks of having the second car I abandoned the long walks. Mostly bc citcat did not want to be carried in the hip hammock or in the stroller. Now we live only 1 mile from dh's work in the middle of nowhere. I can not walk anywhere. You are lucky to have the opportunity. I wouldn't worry about not doing it all the time.