Sunday, January 28, 2007


So last night with the help of some friends I came up with some possible solutions to some of the things that I was considering negatives about Z's acting, especially the commute.

I made a prioroty list of Z's subjects and figured out which ones have to be done at home (like piano and EPGY math and Brainpop science) and what things can be done in the car or on the set.

Then I went to the library and checked out two CD's to listen to in the car, one is tales from Tales from Egypt read by the famous Jim Weiss and the other is a children's biographies Lives of Extraordinary Women: Rulers, Rebels (and What the Neighbors Thought)

. I also checked out a movie on the International Space Station narrated by Lian Neeson. Z could watch that on the personal DVD player.

At the library bookstore I got a total haul of awesome magazines and workbooks for 5 CENTS EACH!

10 Kids Discover magazines - Plains Indians,Germs, Bicycles, Bridges, Space Exploration, Middle Ages, Caribbean, Earth, Everglades, and Mark Twain

8 issue of the Smithsonian kid's magazine Muse - with articles on linguistics, memory, the catacombs in Paris (which we went to!), El nino, Vesuvius, Melanin and skin color, Translating Elizabethan, Peer Pressure and doctors who do Humanitarian work in 3rd world countries. (I am so in love with these magazines!)

2 Zoobooks - Endangered Animals and Pandas

2 National Geographic Kids

a 4 - 8th grade workbook on Punctuation

a 7th - 8th grade book on follwing direction with Science Themes, most of the activities are ecological based so it goes well with our current study

and a Dover Coloring Book Reptiles and Amphibians

Then today someone at my mailbox had set out some kid books for free and I took

Save the Earth Maze Book

and a Dover United State Coloring Book

isn't that cool?!

So this week Z is "working" 3 or 4 days and I am actually looking forward to it because I want to see if I can make the experience better for us both.

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