Thursday, January 11, 2007

Performing Arts

It is not my intention to have a homeschool version of a performing arts school here at Gray's Academy. But even though she only takes these classes once a week she has homework for them that she is supposed to be doing everyday (not that we do...)

Music theory

Making a singing mouth in the mirror
Tummy breathing
Practicing three new songs

Practice lines for Taming of the Shrew

Reading and speaking aloud with good enunciation
Reading with feeling and inflection

Of course besides her regular academic subjects she is also taking

Practice vocabulary
Practice writing
Practice listening

and two science related courses.

So it is not like I am willingly putting all Z's eggs in the performing arts basket. *smile* (I feel like the science basket could lead to a safer career choice.) But hey she is only five, I don't really care much about careers at this point, except to keep her options open.

Someone else brought up the idea of sending Z to some performing arts high school. For some reason I had the feeling that they were not as strong in academics, has anyone had any experience with such things?

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