Friday, January 26, 2007

Not so rosy today

This morning was pretty wonderful. I didn't have to take Pere into work because he had a rental to drive in. I was able to do my regular snuggle with Z on the rocking chair before breakfast. After breakfast we did yoga and then from 8:00 - 11:00 we did a full day so homeschooling - math, writing, Japanese, language arts, science, geography, and more. It was fun. Z loved learned about the International Date Line.

She went to astronaut training class and it was a really good class this time. She was raising her hand a lot and engaging with the director of the program. Afterward I took her to the park to play with some girlfriends.

The morning was like our normal life and it was really really great.

I had to rush her away from the playdate to get to her wardrobe fitting for the commercial she is shooting next week. We got there at 3:00.

At 4:00 we were still there and I was starting to worry she might miss her 5:45 audition. Also, I can't really name names, but one of the people there I found to be really rude. They were saying things that hurt other people's feelings (not mine or Z) and they were really full of themselves. It made me stressed out.

At 5:00 we were still there. Finally two and a half hours later they figured out what clothes Z might wear. I had 15 minutes to get Z to a place that is 30 minutes away on a good traffic day. But Friday night in Los Angeles is never has good traffic.

I called Z's agent and explained that she wasn't going to make a 5:45 audition. They called the casting agent who said they could wait till 6:00. I got there at 6:30. :( I knew we were going to be too late but I didn't now what else to do but try to get there and hope they were running late. I was really stressed about missing this particular audition because the casting agent had asked for Z specifically, which is a really good sign. The casting agent was still there and he said Z could come back Monday (which by the way she already has one job and one audition to do.)

We got home at 7:30 and I am thinking how Zoe and I spent pretty much 5 hours on this today. I explained to her that her life was out of balance today and I that I think that is a negative. I said it was okay some days but not too often. She expressed that she really loves acting which I acknowledged.

The commercial experience yesterday was pretty cool and I am glad we did it but at the moment the cons of this are out weighing the pros.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Wow, sounds really hectic. I'm not sure I could tolerate those kinds of scheduling nightmares for very long. Does Z mind the waiting and traveling?