Monday, January 29, 2007

How we worked it out

So even though I had a dentist appointment, then had to drive Pere into work, and then Z had an audition then a voice over job, then piano practice, and then another drive back into the city to get Pere, we still managed to do a lot of homeschooling.

At the dentist she read some Shakespeare and practiced for her job. Then we hung out at a coffee place and Z read a Discovery Kids magazine about the Middle Ages. In the car we listened to a stories about Archimedes, Corpernicus, and Galileo.

While we waited for the audition she read the math book On Beyond a Million which covered numbers up to Googleplex.

While waiting for the job I made up clues for her to find letters that she then used to spell words (this was a game she found in a Highlight magazine and really liked.)

Before piano we stopped off at home and Z work on Japanese for about 30 min.

Then she had piano practice.

On the way to pick up Pere we listened to biographies of Cleopatra, Eleanore of Aquitane and Joan of Arc.

Before dinner she read for awhile in her room and now she is playing basketball with Pere.

So she did math, history, science, reading, Japanese, P.E. and piano. She did have a chance for downtime but she choose to read and then play with her Pere instead.

I feel a lot better today since we didn't waste all the time we were out.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I hope you can do it all!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day. I would be tired. Would you mind menitioning the title of the CDs you are listening to in the car.

Anonymous said...

PHWEW! That sounds like an EXHAUSTING day! Good deal with the audio stuff! We do 1/4 of our HS stuff on the road in the car. I use audio books and educational DVD's. It works out fine for now.

Anonymous said...

I just read where you mentioned the CD's. They look wonderful.