Tuesday, October 24, 2006

playing school

Oh my gosh so interesting!

Z and her little neighbor friend are playing "school" with Z's stuffed animals and her friend is being the teacher.

I just listened in and I heard the friend "S" say "No sitting so close! Now I have to move you two!" Then "No, whispering!" Then "No, talking!"

so Z says, in the voice of her doll "Teacher? Why do we have so many rules?"

and S says "So that we can keep you safe."

so Z says "How is whispering unsafe?"

and S says "Because it is disturbing me!"

*hee hee*

While they were having snack I said that maybe they could play homechool sometime and S said "I know how to homeschool. You get to play with your friends instead of doing homework!"


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

This is so cute.

I love to listen to Ami's conversations while she plays.

Cher Mere said...

I got a perverse pleasure from Z asking "Why is whispering unsafe?"

hee hee