Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Homeschool Halloween Party

I wish I had brought my camera today! We had our homeschool group's Halloween party and it was awesome!

The kids had some great costumes. We had a potluck with too many desserts. There was a pumpkin carving display and seven game booths.

Z dressed as the princess part of her fairy princess costume, because she didn’t want to get her wings dirty. She played for 6 hours with her friends, towards the end she played at the games booths and won a bunch of prizes, including a Harry Potter cauldron.

I had my own booth. This was my sign:

Learn how to
Take a quiz for
Character Analysis
From the 1920’s


It was a big success! I didn’t want to give people real palm readings because I was concerned they might believe me and base interpretations of some future event on something I said at the park one day. :)

But some people badgered me into giving them something pretty close to a read palm reading. With kids I just said the nice things that I saw – like one kid had a Angle of Luck and some boy had tons of “marriage” lines!

But the really fun thing was this old book from the 1920’s that had personality quizzes. The questions were very old-fashioned and sexist and very funny too. People loved it and many felt the outcomes, which are very specific, were right on. Here is the book on Amazon I’ve got your number, check out the review.

I had a lot of fun doing the readings and the quizzes and got closer to a lot of the people in our group.

Strangely, the leader of our group that is often mean to me, was really nice today! She came over a several times today and was friendly. Weird…

Here is the Jack O' Lantern I made.

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