Sunday, October 08, 2006

looking schooly

I wanted to describe what we usually do in our homeschooling day because I agree from just looking at the schedule that it looks schooly.


For voice practice Z and I do some yoga stretching and then Z, either lying on her back or on a workout ball, practices singing a couple songs.


During breakfast I play a cd of music and I check my emails while we listen. We listen to all kinds of music. Sometimes if the music has lyrics Z likes to read along. We talk about the composer, if there is something to say about him or her.


Math is usually out of a workbook. Right now she is doing a work book of word problems based on a variety of restaurant menus. On Fridays we play math related board or card games or I read her a math related book or we do a mathy activity, like measuring and comparing or origami.

Language Arts

This is a new subject we are adding this year. Z does one page from her Daily Grammar work book, that takes 5 minutes. For the rest of the half an hour we do different things on different days. She might have a spelling test (she likes spelling and spelling bees) or she might write a postcard to a friend or send them an email, or she might practice her cursive handwriting.


This is Z's favorite subject. Right now we are studying the human body. She has a Children's Human Body Encyclopedia that she reads from and then we do various activities during the week based on her reading. She likes to watch a movie and take the quiz on Brainpop. Sometimes she write a "report" on the topic. Sometimes we do a hands on project.


She does some Hiragana writing. Z is very proud of how well she writes in Hiragana and loves working on this if it is for short periods. Then she sings some Japanese songs that she learned into the mic on her karaoke machine. Then we make up stories using our vocabulary words and tell them to each other.

Social Studies

Social Studies incorporates History, Geography, and World Cultures.

In these early year much of our "history" starts with retelling of Myths from various cultures. This year we are staring with Vikings and the Norse Myths. After we finish reading D'Aulaire's Norse Gods and Heroes we will do some hands on activities like writing runes, designing Thor's hammer amulets, drawing pictures from the stories, etc. Knowing Z she will probably want to act out some of the stories too. After Vikings we are going to story the Middle Ages.

For geography we will do something like put pins on her U.S. map of all the places she has been. Or trace where the Vikings sailed on the world map.

World Cultures comes in when we celebrate holidays from other cultures or go to an international children's film festival and then do some follow up learning at home.


This is done sitting on the couch or the chair by the window together. We do informal vocabulary lessons when she comes across a word she doesn't know.


We are going to be studying pastels. Z found out at the D'Orsay museum in Paris that she loves pastels. For this we sit out on the patio and paint or we go to the local park.


Anonymous said...

It all sounds so wonderful! I hope my comment post wasn't too offensive, I was really just making conversation, and probably not too much sense considering it was still early morning!

You sounded displeased with the balance of school/leisure and I just thought of some things off the top of my head, but I didn't really mean anything specific regarding your curriculum.

I was glad to read that someone else checks their emails while their child is up and about!

Cher Mere said...

no no no! I really wasn't offended at all! I agree hat just from looking at the schedule it looked schooly.

and I wouldn't mind even if you disagreed and wanted to give me advice from your point of view. (I do that to other people all the time :P)

Truly, as always, I appreciate your advice.

Anonymous said...

I think your schedule looks great! I think you have good balance here. It's hard with kids like these- if we did school with them the way they *could* they might do really amazing stuff, but lose their childhoods.

I'm feeling conflicted about that now. K more than capable of the 3rd grade work she's doing, but working at a 3rd grade level through a rigorous school means doing MORE. We are doing about an hour a day of math and language arts! Trying to find some balance...

Forte said...

Wow, Cher!
I get tired just looking a the schedule!;) LOL
Ours is a bit more loose. We set aside the time for "schooly " stuff all in the am, and then go to classes, playdates and field trips in the afternoons. I suppose the whole thing is taking less time for us, because we decided ( DH and I ) to go back and "fill in" what she isn't rock solid on. I have a feeling it won't last very long to do that though, because Gracie finished 3 weeks of Math in one week, and I've had to stop using the grammar book, because it is going too fast and we won't have enough for the rest of the semester...LOL It is down to a page 2 times a week:) Science is at about the right level for reading/writing/filling in holes at this point, so we got one right! (3rd Grade set) It isn't challenging curriculum wise, but it does make her be organized with her science...something her Dad is adamant about. (He's a scientist/computer scientist)
Gracie has really taken off with cursive and can write sentences in cursive with minimal assist...neato skill to have!
History seems to be more hit-or-miss. We are plugging away on the LHOP books and occasionally getting some Columbus or Leif in there. She is glued to Brain Pop's History section though...LOL. We tend to go in "spurts" with History.
She also takes Chinese, Art and Music classes as well as 4H.
Phew...that's a lot! ;)
Sorry to ramble! I just got going and couldn't stop:)