Thursday, October 19, 2006

imaginary play

Z has been really involved in her imaginary play recently. Did I tell you she was invited to play with a girl from the neighborhood and she said yes but then she told the girl that first she wanted to go home and play alone with her imaginary friends first but that they could get together later in the afternoon? lol

She is really reminding me of myself. I can't really remember the games I played when I was her age but when I was 7 and 8 I used to wander around in the wooded lots in my neighborhood, by myself, and pretend that I was on a plane that crash landed and that I had to survive on my own in the woods. I would pretend to eat berries and then make myself weapons and a shelter, etc. Or I would get into the trees that were all interwoven and pretend that the ground was a poisonous swamp and see how far I could go climbing from tree to tree without having to touch the ground.

I also had a tree in my front yard that had lots of low braches that I divided into rooms and I had a whole family that lived there with two kids named Lucy and Michael.

Z has been playing her imaginary games so much recently that I was worried that maybe it was taking the place of her daily spontaneous hour of singing. But yesterday she sang and this morning too so :)

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