Monday, October 09, 2006

first day on new schedule

So Z woke up at 8:00 instead of 7:00. :S

After breakfast she worked in her old math book. She is so funny. Before summer she was really bored of that book and really excited to start on the Menu Math book. Now she was like "Oh! are we going to do that book? I _love_ that book!" *heh* Apparently it is all about novelty.

Then for Language Arts I had her alphabetize our DVD collection... Is that wrong? *evil grin*

But hey! I found out that she didn't know how to alphabetize within a word, "Should Amelie or American Pie go first?" and now she does know. So it was totally educational!

For science we studied Muscles from her Human Body Encyclopedia and did a Brainpop quiz on Muscles and then I let her choose her own movie and quiz and she went with Infancy.

Japanese was just a quick review - less then 10 minutes.

It only took me ten minutes, instead of thirty, to read her three chapters from her "history" book - Norse Gods and Heroes.
Then Z read to me for twenty minutes. I like to hear her read aloud because then I know how she is pronouncing things.

After lunch she did her art project - which was gluing glitter to a mask and putting beads on the handle and then making some beaded jewelry. Not so much art as craft. but I haven't gone to the art supply store to get our pastels yet.


I called her Voice teacher and I told her that Z has to drop that class. I explained that she is just over booked right now. The teacher asked if Z would still sing at the rectial but Z isn't sure. She is worried that if she doesn't practice enough she won't be good and she doesn't have time to practice. Her teacher said that she is good enough already but Z wasn't sure. We have a couple days to decide.

But her piano teacher decided she will play in ther rectial in two weeks and she should also be practicing for a competition in December. So she had four songs she needs to play ten times a day each. *sigh*

When I asked Z if she was okay dropping voice she is "If I have to drop one of my classes it can be voice, but I would like to get to do it again later."

Then I asked what about dropping piano and she looked at me very forbiddingly and said "No" very seriously. *heh* It was cute.

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