Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Park Day

Z is loving Shakespeare. When I asked her what was the best part of the day she said "All of it!" then she said "Well, I think Shakespeare was the best." Apparently they did improv and Z was a penguin.

I kind of miss sitting in on the classes. I did that all last year. But now I have been walking instead. I suppose it is better for my health.

Park day was really fun today. I made some more friends and got closer to some new friends. One of the ladies is a member of my new gifted yahoo group. Just being in that group together has made us closer.

It feels good to be somewhat popular. I have kind of low self-esteem about all that. Sometimes I don't trust that people really like me. When I was a kid I was pretty popular but also the target for a lot of abuse because I was different. Kids were cruel sometimes, I know I was. Girls especially could be mean. The homeschool park day is all women, except one, and I am not as comfortable around them as I am around guys. Sometimes I get to feeling like I did in junior high. Some of the women actually still act like that. :(

But so far everyone new that I am meeting is pretty cool and they are all treating me nicely. It is likely some are still getting the impression that I am "cold and aloof" but that is really me just being "insecure and shy." *wink* But I am trying to go out of my way to talk with everyone and be the personable person I can be when I am ON.

Z has made friends with all the 10 other girls in the Girl's Club plus all her old friends so she is constatly playing with someone until we have to go. Late this afternoon all of the kids her age had gone and it was just the older kids, the teens and preteens, and Z went over to play with them and they were all calling her over and picking her up and carrying her around. It was really really sweet. She doesn't have brothers and sisters but she does have big kids who invite her to play and carry her around. *big smile*


Anonymous said...

I was doing my thirteen thursday in words. So when it came thursday I could posted. I thought my work day was going to be crazy that day. I wouldn't have time to do my thirteen thursday on thursday.

Anyhow my work day calm down.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I hate to say me too but I am shy and I know I can come off as aloof but that is furthest from the truth.

When I went to school, and I went to at least 12 before I graduated HS, I was really made fun of. I had one good year of school and that was on the Navajo reservation.

I also have to say what a great job you are doing with Z. Despite your own shyness and discomfort with some women (which I have to agree from my own experience that many act like they are in high-school) you are actively involved making sure Z gets the best home school experience.