Monday, October 23, 2006

great day!

Today was pretty great.

Before lunch we got all our homeschooling done and it was all fun stuff. Z was asking for more math even! She also started her new writing curriculum and we did a geography project where she mapped out our trip to France. We also did Japanese, science, history and she read a chapter of Witches.

After lunch a friend and her gifted daughter, who is Z age, came over and stayed for about 3 1/2 hours. The girls played so well the whole time. They built with Ello, then they played BattleShip, then they danced around and then they asked each other questions from an academic trivia game that Z has.

I am so glad that Z and this girl get along so well. They also homeschool but they don't live that close. And they have busy schedules like we do. But we have been managing to get together every other week.


Anonymous said...

Will you write more about the writing curriculum? I'd like to hear the details of what Z is doing. Do you correct some things and not others? I struggle with trying to correct/improve K's writing, and encourage her creativity.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

It sounds like a lot of fun!