Monday, October 16, 2006


Have I mentioned how much I love my new apartment? It is so clean and orderly! Being here makes me feel this special mixture of relaxed and energized.

I have some new things going on.

I just started a new yahoo group for hg, eg, and pg kids in my area. We are going to have gatherings and maybe get the kids together for classes.

Also I have been working really hard on my homeschooling schedule. Today I worked out a geography curriculum. I feel like all my hard work has been paying off. Zoe is so excited to do all her lessons. Well not terribly excited to do math and I think our Japanese curriculum has gotten off track, but otherwise being able to use what I know about my daughter, how she learns, what she enjoys, has made homeschooling so wonderful for us.


MLarson said...

I read your comment about a group for hg, eg and pg kids. I'm in the process of getting my daughter tested and the testing places I've talked to so far don't seem to use those terms. I'm debating on which test to use to test her. The gifted school nearby just needs a screening (Slosson is recommended) and Ive been researching this. You need a 130 to get in the school and then you are labeled gifted. It seems kind of odd to me. Do you have any recommendations?

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm out blog hoping and ran across your blog via Sarah. I wish my life and my home was as orderly as yours.
I'm blog hoping for my thirteen thursday it will be posted the 19th

Cher Mere said...

Hi Sarah

The curriculum I am creating is short term. I am always have to reevaluate and change things, (which is easy since we are homeschooling.) Right now I am working up a 6 week curriculum. Basically it is just finishing books we have already started and figuring out what other resources I need to bring in. I am also figuring out what outcome I am looking for.

Everything does not go exactly as planned, like yesterday we ended up reading the whole weeks of History in one day. But having the plan helps things run more smoothly and I am not wasting as much time between lessons try to figure out what to do next.

Cher Mere said...


Highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted are not "official" terms used by everyone.

Have you checked out Carolyn has a table that equates the number on different tests with each other. Here is the link

Also Deborah Ruf has a chart with milestones that indicate "levels". Level 1 is MG, Level 2 is HG, etc. That is here

Does the school only take one type of test done by their tester? Or will they take a test done by an outside tester? Will they accept the results of the SB-5?

Cher Mere said...


What do you mean it will be posted on the 19th?

MLarson said...

Thanks for the info.
I've looked at the Hoagies site but not Deborah Ruf. Her article was very helpful. The gifted school takes any IQ test from a certified tester. So, I can do a 20 minute SLOSSON IQ screening which will give me a basic score. It's not too expensive. Or, I can do a WISC or SB for 4x more money. I'm not sure the value of doing any testing given the cost. Has testing been helpful for you? I probably wouldn't do the gifted school b/c it is too far away and too expensive. I just wanted to see it and you have to be tested before you can do a tour. D thinks if we do test her we should really test her not just the screening.

Cher Mere said...


I thought the testing was very helpful! It was totally worth it for me.

but I also homeschool and it is important for me to know what levle of intelligence I am dealing with.

the information I got helped me both as a parents and a teacher.