Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I am yearning to have a slower life. I want cold days and rainy days where we can just stay home and cuddle and eat soup I made from scratch.

I want to have time to walk places and I want to see things when I walk, like trees and birds.

I don't want to spend so much of my life in the car sitting on the 405 and the 101.

I feel like Z's childhood is slipping away. I want her to climb trees and play in the dirt in the yard. I want a yard.

I just want to slow down it all down for another five (or ten) years.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That is a difficult dilemma; I hope you can work it all out.

Garden State Kate said...

I love going slow!
Which sounds funny even to my own ears, because I'm very impatient by nature, but my goal for P is to have a "slow" childhood with mud pies and daydreams and long walks...
soup always sounds good this time of year after all the heat!

Forte said...

Well said. I completely agree. :) I wish you the best of luck!

Shari said...

I love the slow days like that, and am thankful to have so many. Life will become hectic all too soon (4 weeks here).

sarah said...

Life got so much better for us when we slowed things down. But we still need a good yard. I wish you all the best in making your dream come true.

C's Learning Treasures said...

Beautiful post! I feel the important thing to remember is that even when we have hectic days,at least we are with our kids:)We get an extra 6 hours a day with them if we're homeschooling,how many extra hours does that add up to in a year?

L said...

I love slow days. I love when we get a big snowstorm and cannot get out. When we have to stay in, nobody can come to see us and everything stops for a day or two.