Tuesday, August 21, 2007

grade level

Today we were asked twice what grade level Z is in.

The first time it was at the grocery and the bagger saw her pushing the cart and he said "What grade is she in?!" and I said "First grade" and he said "Wow, she's smart!"

Now I don't know what being smart has to do with pushing a grocery cart and I didn't ask. But Z asked me once we were out of earshot 'Why did you say I'm in first?"

"Because he actually only wanted to know what age you are."

She nodded and seemed okay with that.

But later this afternoon she was playing with two girls in the pool. One is six and one is seven. Z came over to me and said that the seven year old said that Z couldn't be in fourth grade because you have to be ten to be in fourth grade. The seven year old was right there so I said to her,"Well we homeschool so Z can work at whatever grade she is ready for. Right now she is doing fourth grade math and between fourth and sixth for other classes."

Then I asked her if she knew what homeschooling was. She nodded and said "I wish I could home school."

But then the two girls cornered Z and started quizzing her "What's 1000 plus 1000?"

Kind of laughing, possibly with the strangeness of the question, Z says "2000"

Then there was two thousand plus one hundred, and One million plus two million! and even "What is one thousand plus a million thousand hundred?!"

Z was laughing kind of uncomfortably and answering all their questions. I let it go on because I wanted Z to get a taste of what the reaction can be if you tell people that you are six and in fourth grade. I had told her before that some people will have strange and possilby negative reactions to it.

Also at the library today the story time lady who is there to read to individual kids read Z a Maisy book and a book about puppies. Z definitely looks like a six year old and I was surprised that she would try to read Z a touch and feel puppy book. Again I didn't say anything. Z seemed capable of handling it herself. Usually she gets a sticker for reading to the story time people herself, but this lady is new. She was nice and I appreciate what she is doing. I am not trying to take anything away from that. It just wasn't working for us and I wonder what kind of books they read to kids in first grade.

I'll have to talk to Z tonight and see how she feels about all that.

I talked to her over dinner and this is what I think. Z has such profound confidence in her own self-worth that if someone treats her strangely she thinks theat's their problem. And then she doesn't really think about it again. I have written before about Z's world". Well, in Z's world everybody likes her and if they don't then they must be having an off day. *wink*


Daphne said...

Perhaps this new librarian was actually some college kid doing community service. I say this because Sophia is only 3 and I can't think of the last time she took a gander at a touch and feel book, let alone trying to read one to a 6 year old. Perhaps letting the 6 year old read (assuming they are reading at 1st grade level). And if pushing a grocery cart makes a child smart mine is the next Einstein. ;)

Shari said...

I really like your explanation on why you answered that she was in first grade. Nicely done!

I also wonder what the backstory is behind the touch and feel Maisy book. Z sounds like she handled it with grace. Years ago I read with individual children in the library. I remember a 6 year old who chose Spot (lift the flap) books for their simplicity and easy reading. He wasn't totally unusual, but it was definitely not what most kids his age chose.

Garden State Kate said...

I'm glad to hear she took it all in stride.

C's Learning Treasures said...

I love the way you and Z handled the situations.

Cher Mere said...

Daphne - it was a senior citzen volunteer doing the reading. It is a very nice program. And, like I said, usually they allow Z to read to them for the sticker. It was not big hardship, just a mismatch.

Anonymous said...

I think you handled these situations really well. And I like Z's self-confidence.

L said...

Kind of strange about the library. I think even my 3-year old would find it strange must have been really weird for her.

Good for her that she doesn't let others comments/questions/inquiries bother her.

I like the part that if somebody doesn't like her she/he must be having an off day. LOL.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I always feel so awkward. I like the way you both handle it!

Jaime said...

We have been asked about grade level SO MANY TIMES in the past couple of weeks. We've been doing all that "back to school" stuff - checkups, office supply shopping, etc. It seems that every adult we encounter wants to know K's grade and age and then why they are so mismatched. K insists on saying she is going into 4th no matter what the reaction - it is part of her identity now that she goes to the 2 day school. *sigh*