Thursday, August 02, 2007

don't be concerned and another song

For those of you who might be concerned about the dark tones in some of Z's songs - don't be. Those of you who have met her - well you see that she is a happy-go-lucky kid.

I talked to her about that song a couple times now and she convincingly assures me that "sometimes songs sound like that." *heh* I feel like I can't question her too much about whether she is experiencing those dark feelings because she knows that I know that she isn't.

Maybe she will be like Duran Duran... I mean, What the heck were those songs even about!!?!

I think she just has a good vocabulary and pulls together words that rhyme to create a mood. KWIM?

Here is another one she made up a couple weeks ago that I managed to write down.

When twilights falls the whole world is above me
The world that I always wanted to be
I wonder if you feel it
what it is like
to be in this world
a world that is so unlike
the world I am supposed to be in
Some body please
I know what is happening
Everybody thinks that it is supposed to be wrong
and look now it is raining

On my planet things are dark
On my plane things are worthy

listen, I hear the rain
listen it is starting to pour
even on my planet there are things that can be more
On my planet there are things that aren't on yours
On my planet things are different
You think that everybody is equal
But no no not in my land

Listen it has become quiet
It is over, dawn falls
We go to sleep
We... nevermind
You wouldn't understand

If you come to our world you would see things are different
They are better
I need to go back there right now
I need to go back to my planet right now
My hibernation begins

my thoughts? very weird. kind of cool. it had a kind of alien theme and a modern dance that went with it.
trivia - she sang this while putting the dishes in the dishwasher.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for transcribing that -- I can imagine so clearly how a kid sings such interesting things while doing a mundane task.

DH and I were just talking the other day about the lyrics to Van Halen's Panama -- after we googled them we were even more confused. So no matter the genre, Z. is on the right track as a lyricist!

Cher Mere said...

Yeah - that is an exmaple of a less good one. It is kind of weird and rambling but, imo, still interesting. But then again I am her mom and I just like hearing what she comes up with. :)

Panama... *giggle*

C's Learning Treasures said...

Thats neat,kids often ramble,and I think its really cool you took the time to write it down:) I felt she was thinking of some sort of other world out there,maybe in space or perhaps a fictional world from a book?

Garden State Kate said...

I love her songs...P makes up some doozies, and we get weird looks some times, but I love that she has an outlet to express as she puts it "what's in my brain".
I'm sure she will appreciate one day that you take the time to transcribe them! ;-)

Forte said...

LOL! It's awesome:) Roger Waters meets Journey...or Paul Simon;)
I love the image of her making it up while she's doing the dishes...

L said...

She really writes great lyrics and doing housework at the same time. You can hardly beat that ;)

Cher Mere said...

It is hard enough to write them down when she is singing them. I only do about 1 in 100 and then they aren't always that great. *wry grin*

But to me they are interesting, because they are coming from my girl's head.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

She is a very happy, kind, little girl and it shows it her lyrics. You do a great job with her!