This is how Z dressed herself today. She looked so grown up to me. She even had a little purse that her Japanese tutor gave her. Can't you she her looking almost just like that ten years from now?
She wanted to make a fake I.D. to put in her purse so I cut a card to driver's license size and a cut up a little picture of her face and taped it on. Then Z looked at my DL and made up her own information and wrote it down on the card. Now it is behind the little plastic window in the purse. I also gave her an extra Blockbuster and library card. She took some change from her bank for the coin pocket. Then she carried the purse around with her to the market and voice lesson.
It is not like she is totally turning into a little teenager though.
She also played with her LEGO's and watched cartoons.
On a sadder note Z heard about the problems in Darfur. Now she wants to send a donation to the children there.We are going to match her contribution as we always do but I want her to do some research on the subject so she can decide where exactly she wants the money to go.
Last night when she said her prayer of Thankfulness with her Pere she thanked God for living in safety and having a house and food and asked God to take care of the children in Darfur.
It is so sweet she wants to dress up like an older girl. And yet still has her youthful innocence.
It must be hard deciding how much to tell her about situations like Darfur.
Yeah, I think for her it is another kind of dress-up. Earlier this week she was wearing a toga. *grin*
I talked about Darfur on a very basic level - drought, food shortage, people with guns, lack of safety...
What I meant about research though was researching which charity to use for our donation. Right now we are thinking of donating to Unicef but I want to make sure.
She is so sweet and pretty.
I like your new colors.
She looks so pretty! I like your purple background:)
Z sounds so sweet,I think it's wonderful she wants to help:)O gets extremely upset when he hears things like that, so we usually do something to make him feel proactive. I think prayers are a great way to help too!
How sweet! She looks adorable, and yes, older than she ought.
I gave my sons their own ID's too. I used the laminator, some face pictures and some allergy info and slipped it in their backpacks, and later the wallets they were gifted for Christmast last year. :)
She looks lovely- I get a bit freaked when I see glimpses of P growing "older" too.
She is also a very thoughtful young lady, wanting to help when she hears
of a problem.
thank you all for the compliments about Z and my blog.
I like the lavender color.
Z's concern for the situation in Darfur made my heart smile. Compassion is a trait that too many people lack now-a-day it seems. Its refreshing to see it in someone so young.
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