Friday, August 03, 2007


So last night I was weight lifting and I aggravated a bulging disc in my lower back. *sigh* I have had this injury since the day I got back from my honeymoon and I feel like such a dolt. I was too lazy to change the 20 lb dumbells I use for my arms and it was just too much for my injured back.

Luckily this is not as bad as it has been before. I was able to walk and even take a short drive today.

Also today was our last lesson with Ms. Kana, Z's Japanese tutor. It was a very sad moment. She and Z both cried. :(
But we do have a plan to go to Japan in a couple years and she invited us to visit her there. She was a really great teacher, sooo nice! She told me last week that Z is learning stuff taht they teach to 9 yo's in Japan. Isn't it amazing that she, who has no formal background in teaching, was able to teach Z so much?

We will really miss her.


sarah said...

Oh no, sorry for your injury, I hope you feel better soon!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Oh so sorry! I hope it heals quickly.

C's Learning Treasures said...

I hope your back feels better too!

The Japanese lessons sound so wonderful,what a lucky opportunity for Z to have had that. It's amazing she's learning Japanese for 9 year olds! A trip there sounds really neat,I've always wanted to visit Japan after seeing an exhibit at the children's museum.

Forte said...

:( :( Two sad for Your back and one for the teacher leaving!

Garden State Kate said...

Hope your back feels better soon.
It sounds like learning Japonese has been a wonderful experience for Z!

L said...

I hope you feel better soon.

I'm sorry Z's great tutor left. Hopefully you will be able to find somebody else or perhaps set up regular playdates with Japanese child.