Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Singing and Songwriting

Thank you everyone who wrote regarding Z's song.

That is pretty typical of the kind of songs she makes up everyday. That is a pretty good one. She also makes up less good ones. *grin*

Usually though she just sings them out to the ether (and whomever happens to be listening) and then they disapper forever.

I try to write them down when I can but a large portion of them come while I am driving or otherwise doing something that doesn't really lend it self to writing. But I do have the voice recorder and when we are in the car I sometimes give it to her to sing into.

The interesting thing is that, so far, Z has always made up better songs when she is doing it completely spontaneously. But when she tries to sing into the recorder or tries to make up a song for an audience her songs... well I guess I would describe those songs as less inspired.

Also Z hasn't previously wanted to write down any of her songs. She doesn't mind if I do but she feels, rightly, that stopping to write down a song while she is "in the moment of creation" causes her to lose that moment.

So that song yesteday was interesting to me because it was a very good song she made up "on purpose" and then wrote down by herself. I think this is an important and logical next step in her musical life.

Forte, I did ask her later what she was thinking about when she made it up. She said she didn't know. I am not worried about the dark tone though, that is really typical for her.


Anonymous said...

I was so interested in your comments about Z.'s songwriting. When V. sits down to formally compose a song and score it, it is always very simplistic. But when she just sits down to play, she comes up with beautiful stuff! I *really* would like to preserve her true improvisations and encourage her to write them down, but writing them down seems so stifling.

V. also writes surprisingly dark stuff in her lyrics and poems sometimes -- makes you wonder what is going on in there, but also glad that they are finding a way to express it!

Cher Mere said...

Yeah, maybe that is just how it goes that a young age. Their creativity comes, not so much from what they've learned, but from the heart and soul.