Friday, July 27, 2007


When I was in 7th grade I developed really bad allergies. I spent a lot of time with a sore red nose from wiping it with scratchy tissues.

So one thing I do now when Z has a head cold (like she has today) is cut up an old soft cotton shirt into hankies. These hankies are ever so much softer on her little nose than a tissue and at the end of the day I wash them and they come out even softer.

This weekend is my birthday party. But I am thinking now we might have to cancel our plans to eat out at a nice restaurant near the beach because I don't want to infect everyone. That is okay though as long as I still get my presents. *joking*

Tomorrow we are supposed to see a good friend perform in Midsummer Night's Dream. I am wondering if I can load Z up on children's cold medicine and sit off in a corner somewhere... I don't know yet.

There does seem to be some kind of summer cold going around though. I talked to another friend yesterday and she said her whole family has been sick for two weeks. :(

Thankfully, though she is expelling some yuck from her nose Z doesn't seem to be feeling yucky. She is singing and laughing and running at at least 75% of her normal energy (which is still a good 15% more than most people.)

I don't know what we will do today. Z wants to play board and card games (what a surprise... :P). I want to write a post about my homeschooling plans for the fall. We will see if we can do both.


Garden State Kate said...

I hope you all feel better soon and
that you have a Happy Birthday however you celebrate it!
I love the hankie idea!

C's Learning Treasures said...

That sounds miserable,I hope you feel better by then!

L said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you all feel better soon and be able to see the play.