Wednesday, July 11, 2007

homeschooling lite

Yesterday was another day set to homeschooling lite. She did piano, math, Japanese, Reading (King Arthur) and typing.

Then we also played some board games and card games. In the afternoon I worked in my room, preparing my books to be sold and Z played in her room drawing, reading and, of course, singing.

I wanted to share what I think of as a good example of limiting TV and computer time. Yesterday after lunch Z asked if she could play on her computer. I said "No, you played on it a lot yesterday. I want you to find something else to do today." So instead she went to her piano and composed some of her own songs and sang along to them for awhile.

In the late afternoon we walked over to the park. At six she is starting to be the oldest kid at the playground. :(

Last night she asked if she could spend all day today reading the first Harry Potter book. Her goal is to read the whole book in one day. I figure she will have plenty of time to read while we are sitting in line for the movie of the 5th book for hours this afternoon. I told her she still needed to practice piano but otherwise she could read all day. I wonder if she will really want to.


sarah said...

Wow, you're taking her to the HP movie? I could never do that with my kid. I hope to go myself, though.

A day spent reading is such luxury.

Garden State Kate said...

I hope she enjoys both the book and the movie! What a lovely couple of "homeschool lite" days you two have had!

Anonymous said...

Great example of limiting TV and computer time. Z really has a great capacity for finding alternatives. It is sad that many kids do not.