Sunday, July 08, 2007

back home

So we are finally back home from our trips.

It has been almost three weeks. Z somehow seems older, like she had one of those jumps in vocabulary and thought proceessing. You know what I mean.

I also noticed that she finally seems secure in all those skills that kids are supposed to have. She can now ride her bike with confidence and ease (and enjoyment.) She can do a cartwheel. She can catch and kick and dodge a ball with some accuracy. She can jump in a pool and swim all around and she she can jump rope. I am happy for her.

When we got home the first thing she asked was if she could go into her room and read. She went in and read some non-fiction geography books... Then a book of poetry that she memorized a poem out of and then came out to recite it to us. She had said "Yay! Something to read besides Harry Potter!" That was the book we brought with us on the trip - book six. And she did finish it.


Anonymous said...

I long for the day that Violet says, "yay, something to read besides Harry Potter!" I have decided that when summer is over I may actually take them out of rotation temporarily! (Is that evil?)
We are home from our travels too -- V. swam and swam and swam and led her cousins (older and younger!) through a variety of made-up games involving villagers, orphans, peasants, and the like.
I love these trips where the kids get to revel in such ordinary kid things -- those things that make up my happy childhood memories.

Cher Mere said...

I know! Z has been reading one of the Harry Potter books constantly since she was 4 1/2~

Also I know what you mean about it being nice to see our kids doing kid stuff. :)

Garden State Kate said...

Glad you made it home safely, sounds like a nice vacation!