Friday, December 08, 2006

Z's responsibility chart

Recently I was having fun with making charts and lists (I love list making!) and I made up a Responsibility Chart for Z.

I even put little boxes next to the chore so she can check them off, she loves checking them.

Morning Checklist

Clear Table (of breakfast dishes)
Make Bed
Brush Teeth
Put dirty night clothes in hamper
Sort laundry
Start Laundry
Water snails and bean seeds
Water flower seeds

Evening Checklist
Clear Table (of dinner dishes)
Feed cat next door
Water snails and bean seeds
Water flower seeds
Tidy Bedroom
Put clean laundry away
Brush Teeth
Put dirty clothes in the hamper

Those are all her normal chores except the cat next door who's "parents" will return tomorrow and watering snails and seeds which just started recently.

So far Z likes her checklist but some things she likes to do things with me. So usually I brush while she flosses and then she brushes her teeth while I floss. :)

I have always included Z in the household chores. When she was only crawling she would crawl her toys and books back to their baskets before bedtime.

When she was 2 she started sorting the laundry. I was really cute to hear her asking "Mommy is this shirt primarily white or should it go in the colors?" at that age. *grin* She also started taking up her dirty dishes around then, they were mostly plastic so it was okay if she dropped them. Now she eats off regular dishes and she clears the table for every one.

She also usually volunteers to pitch in and help whenever I am doing a big job. In fact she likes to play a game where she is pretending to be my "servant girl" and when she wants to play that I usually give her a wet rag and let her scrub away at the kitchen floor. :)

I am hoping that instilling these behaviors in her this early she will take it for granted that she is needed and expected to help out in her family when she gets older.

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