Friday, December 29, 2006

This is your brain on books

Much of that past two days I have spend doing a total redo of Z's room. I think I spent more than 10 hours at it, and too much of that was heavy lifting. Now that it is all good and done all I can think is that I don't want to do that again any time soon.

It looks like we are probably going to start back up homeschooling on the 8th. I am still not sure what form it will take.

During The Great Room Redo, I moved and reshelved every single one of Z's books, around 800 of them, and I thought 'Wow, Z has some awesome non-fiction books!" Many of the books I touched inspired me to use them and use them soon in our homeschooling.

I am a bit addicted to buying children's non-fiction books. I am pretty sure that if all the libraries and bookstores in the world vanished tomorrow I would have enough books in our personal library to educate Z, up to and possibly through college, and then some.

Just yesterday I found "Everywhere on Earth - a Geografunny Guide to the Globe" by Paul Rosenthal.

Also recently Z got a non-fic book on Shakespeare and one about Constellations and Myths - which came with lesson plans. mmmm...

While I've been working Z has been having tons of "Daddy Time" which includes lots of physical play as well as learning about basketball. They have really been enjoying all this time together. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks great!

Interesting, I have had the same thought; if we were unable to purchase books we have enough in the home to educate our child through college.