Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Today One of Z's friends and her mother came over for a playdate. From the moment she walked in the door she and Z were constantly engaged in a very imaginative pretend play about fairies, werewolves, ghosts, magic, visions, and tornados. They played out this story for three hours straight!


On thing that is hard about homeschooling is all the social opportunites. Of course we want to get together and have fun with friends but sometimes we also have to pull back and make time for schooling or just having relaxing alone time.

Right now I am starting to think about Z's birthday which is coming up in a couple months and I am stressing because neither our house or our apartment'c party room will be big enough to host it if we invite (most) all of her friends. There are about twenty kids plus parents and younger siblings.

I have thought about having a few parties - one for homeschool friends, one for science club friends, one for north area friends, one for south area friend and one for friends in the old neighbor hood. That might be fun but also a lot of work.

Z thinks we should just invite everyone and have it at a park, which is a lovely idea and would totally work if her birthday was not in the winter.

We can't really invite fewer people because these are all her close friends. There is also the problem that about half of her friends don't know each other.

If anyone has an creative suggestions for hosting a BIG birthday party that won't break my budget, please let me know.


We were thinking that we might have to move for Pere's new job. But things are looking now that we will be staying in the area and I am very happy about that. As the above indicates, we have made many friends in this area. Our homeschool group is great and the gifted population seems pretty large here. We had lived in areas where it was much harder to find friends that were a good fit for Z in intelligence, temperment and interests. But here it seems like every couple months we are meeting another wonderful family. Although moving can be exciting I am glad that, for the time being, we are going to stay. :)

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