Wednesday, December 06, 2006

not enough hours in the day

I think I have been feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day for the last three and a half years. Right about when we moved out of the Channel Islands house and I bought the bookstore.

Our two years at the Channel Islands house were very relaxing. We lived on a street where the other homes were mostly vacation and weekend houses. The beach across the street was almost empty for nine months out of the year. We had a waterway in the back instead of a yard and sometimes I would sit out there with Z, under a blanket and read to her and watch the boats sail by.

She did take gymnastics and went to the library, each once a week. But otherwise our days were filled with reading, having tea, digging in the front gardens, taking long walks on the beach and watching the sunset behind the islands.

That house is still in the family but we haven't been there for months.

I would love to slow our days down. I want to have time for doing some meditation and yoga. I want take nature walks with Z. I want to sit under a blanket with her and read her fairy tales. I want to bake cookies with her and make homemade books.

Maybe that is what I should do for our next homeschooling experiment...

But instead of all that sweet slowness Z has something to do almost every day. And they are really really cool things! And there are plenty more where they came from!

She loves Shakespeare, piano, Science, Astronaut class, etc.

I am thinking about not doing the science class when after we wrap up this round next week. But Z really loves the class.

Even though we are unschooling this month we haven't slowed down much. She still has all her classes and she is wanting to do a lot of academic type stuff at home. This morning she asked if she could read her math book during breakfast!

There are just so many cool things to do here and so many friends to meet that it is hard to force the time to stay home and do slower things. But I am longing to do so.


Anonymous said...

I know how you are feeling:( I feel like Grace and I are going...all the time. To top it off, it doesn't look like next semester is any better. Her music teacher gave her permission to start Piano with her, so that will be an addition. She will also have a tutor once a week, science, spiral scouts, Chinese, music class, theater and dance... IF we go ahead with it all. I am wringing my hands at what to drop. Only time will tell. Oh! That doesn't count History Club or Foreign Lands Club or field trips. :(
I must admit that the morning "school" sessions have become more relaxed since Thanksgiving, as our schedule picked up too. DH and Grace did made a pie last week, and we made ginger cookies together the other night, but I just want to ditch everything and go beach combing and tree climbing here at the campus with Grace.

I hope it all comes clear! :)

Cher Mere said...

me too!

Cher Mere said...

I think you are right Sarah. We are doing too much.

A big part of it is the season. In two weeks the piano competition and recital will be behind us and things will slow down a little.

I am looking forward to slower days.