Monday, December 11, 2006

Okay my kid is weird

weirder than your kids probably.

Z gets so involved in her pretend and play-acting that even when we leave the house she keeps it up and at the library today she was muttering stuff under her breath and acting out that evil mermaids have tied her up, tortured her and forced her to be their servant.

Then while I am in line to check the books out she is hiding under a display table (still muttering), pretending to be caught. Then then gets up and asks (quite loudly) if I will be the Grand High Mermaid and order her about.

I play along and try not to notice the reactions of the other library patrons...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I tried to post yesterday and it's not here! Oh well. Trust me, at least in this respect my kid is equally weird. And does not quite know where to draw the line in forcing others -- loudly -- to participate -- sister, parents, grandparents, strangers at the ice rink . . . And I'd estimate that about 80% of her characters speak with some kind of accent--British preferred, but lately she has been branching out!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday at the library Citcat was playing hide and seek with the band of monkey that follows us everywhere. I love watching her play with the monekeys.

Sucero Family said...

Oh, do I wish that Z was doing this at MY library so I could watch!
Yesterday HS was at the library and found in the playhouse a red monster-mouse that she caught and carried home. She told several people about it on the way out. You may NOT have the weirdest kid. HA