Sunday, December 10, 2006

unschooling makes me antsy

I am feeling lost and not knowing what to do with myself.

I have been trying to keep myself busy with projects:

I have worked a little on rewriting my NaNoWriMo story.

I have been pampering the snails and the cat next door (it is not as fun to pamper our own cats.)

I have been going through old magazines that I have been saving and writing down recipes from them.

I am making my own holiday wrapping paper with Z.

I am washing a lot of things by hand.

Not surprisingly none of those things are really doing it for me. I need to learn to knit...


Cher Mere said...

Hi Sarah!

You know what? I did start on another book tonight. I went to Zoe's competition and during the 2+ hours that I was listening to people who were not Zoe I was inspired in one of my other stories.


Anonymous said...

That is so good to hear! I am happy you are onto another project! I fell like I am so busy lately , that I don't know which end is up. We are always GOING somewhere, and I just want to stay home. I suspect that Grace does too. Maybe we'll be sick;) Dunno yet.
We are making our own Holiday Cards! It's pretty fun;)