Monday, December 04, 2006


I was trying to put off writing this post until tomorrow since I have already posted twice today.

But I just have to share that after a week of totally unschooling I am itching to get back into guiding Z's education.

I have had some good teaching ideas for writing and science. I really want to give them a try but I am committed to unschooling for this whole month.

Z is still enjoying the unschooling but I think it is mostly because she is getting to work out of her favorite math books. We have been spending half the morning doing stuff out of those books!

I love that she loves those books and I almost wish I could find resources she loved just as much for all her other subjects but I can't imagine how we would fit it all into one 24 hour period. ;)


Anonymous said...

I haven't gone back to read the original unschooling posts so pardon the question if you addressed it. Did Z initiate the unschooling? I am amazed at all the learning she is doing? Does she not respond to your lessons. She seems like such a delightful child. Do you just pinch yourself with happiness? She always looks so happy. Your daily/weekly posts have inspired me to keep a better record of our learning activities. Keeping a record is enlightening.

Cher Mere said...

Hi Nina

We are just trying unschooling for a change of pace. We have just finished 6 weeks of a very tight curriculum I designed over the summer. Z responded very well to the curriculum.

But December is a busy month for us - Z is taking her usually piano, Shakespeare, Japanese and gymnastics plus an astronaut training class, a science class, a voice over class and extra music lessons for the winter recital. I felt she was too busy with outside classes, I didn't want to pressure her with too many expectations at home.

So I took it even farther and just decided to do an unschooling experiment.