Friday, December 01, 2006

reflections on unschooling

I feel like the same amount of learning doesn't happen everyday, but over an extended time it might come close to all evening out.

It is also hard in some ways not to assign her work. I think it helps me to back off because I know that this experiment has a time limit and because I want to be true to the experiment during that time.

Overall I feel like Z is responding very well to being unschooled. She has been doing a lot of math and science plus spending at least an hour everyday reading OotP.

I think this is helping my relationship with Z too. There is not much conflict at all. I think I feel very relaxed because I am not trying to keep up with a certain curriculum or schedule.

I also think what Z wants to do on her own is, in some cases, more interesting and more ambitious than I would have planned for her.

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