Wednesday, November 29, 2006

unschooling day three

Today I got the feeling that even when I downplay and omit a lot of what Z is doing when conversing with friends and aquintances it still comes across as extraordinary.

I didn't realize that because to me it is ordinary.

I am sometimes struck by the things Z does, like the songs she makes up or affinity she has for fractions.

But it doesn't occur to me that it is strange for her to be doing math at all or to even be reading words more complex than "hat" or "ball."

A very nice lady in my homeschool group today reminded me that most homeschooled kids Z's age are being "unschooled" because the are not ready for formal academics. She says that the things Z does are amazing.

I was surprised she would say that because I don't really share the amazing things. I mean they know Z takes Japanese but they don't know she can read and write in Hiragana. They know she takes piano but not what she is playing.

People think it is amazing that she could handle a Shakespeare class, they have no idea that she reads Shakespeare at home for fun.

I thought I was being careful and not sharing anything about Z that was too extraordinary.

I think part of the problem is that I know girls like Ami, Kaytlin, Grace, Rose and others and amoung them what Z is doing seems pretty normal.


Today was our homeschool group's park day so Z mostly played all day but otherwise this is what she did do:

Read Harry Potter
I Love Math
Poured teaspoons of water into the sink and then cups of water and then pitcher of water to estimate how many of each it would take to fill it up (she got this idea from and I Love Math activity)
Shakespeare class - 1 1/2 hours
Some art project with beads
Piano practice
Orchestra practice


Cher Mere said...

Sarah, to me Rose seems really really PG. (but I think we have had this conversation before) *smile*

Anonymous said...

I agree that Rose seems really PG! :)
It was funny. Grace and I met a friend of her, that she kept from her moment at public school, at the library yesterday. She is at lest a a year, if not 1.5 years older than Grace. It has been almost a semester now, and she had a math activity of "counting the eye color" and answering simple questions like "How many blue?" And her reading book was "The Pet Vet". It really shook me! It solidified our choice that Grace was out of there once and for all. And she isn't all that EXTRAordinary;)
I think this experiment is cool!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I think it seems ordinary to you because Z has always been the way she is. She was born that way and as a parent you adjusted appropriately. On the other hand, strangers & acquaintances react all together different but it is especially nice when some people understand what you do and why you do it.

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