Friday, November 17, 2006

us time, friends, zoo w/ video and pics

Tonight Z is staying with her grandma. Pere and I are staying in and watching the Lakers game and sharing some glasses of wine. We plan to stay up late and sleep in. Then tomorrow Pere and I are going to see Marie Antoinette before we go get Z.

Today I got a call from the mother of the friend that Z made this summer at the gifted kids summer camp. She wants our girls to get together.

I am really thankful fthat we have found so many gifted boys and girls in our area. We have been very lucky and I don't have to despair that Z will find kids to connect with.

We are also really lucky to have three girls just Z's age in our apartment complex, including one right next door and a large homeschooling group with a huge number of good kids for Z to play with. I am very happy with our social situation here.

In other news the leader of our homeschooling group who has previously been rude and mean to me has started being nice since Halloween. I am totally fine with that and I am more than happy to pretend like nothing happened. I never had anything against her other than her attitude towards me and I really like her kids.

I took Z to the Zoo today. Two really cool things happened. First the Gibbons and the Siamang were yelling and howling and screetching for a long time. I got video of it, be sure to turn up the volume on your computer when you view it, and wait till the end and hear the crazy sounds the gibbons could make. Apes on Youtube,

And we saw a chimpanzee get into a fight with some others and yell and run around and be very billigerent and slap the doors and the windows with his feet! It was so exciting!


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Great pictures of your outing with Z. I just listened to the video. Are you referring to the other worldly sounds near the end?

Cher Mere said...

Yeah! That was the gibbon. It was so strange! It sounded like a video game bleeping.