Sunday, November 12, 2006

Mean, Medium, and Mode

Yesterday in the car Z asked what an average was. Earilier she had read a question in a 4th grade BrainQuest card asking the average of four two digit numbers.

We explained it to her and then she worked out the average of four single digit numbers in her head. After that we gave her a couple examples of why we would want to find the average of things.

Then, since we were stuck in traffic, we went on to explain Median and Mode.

This morning she worked out the mean, median, and mode of the ages of her friends.

The mean age of her friends is 12.86
The median age of her friends is 6
The mode of her friends is 5

She wanted to do more so she is working out the mean, median and mode of the pages in the books she is reading. :)


The mean page count of books Z is reading 292
The median page count is 186

So why do they wait until 4th grade to introduce these ideas? I remember wondering that when she was three and was really into doing Venn diagrams.