Tuesday, November 21, 2006


My blogger has been down the last two days. That is why I haven't updated.


The other day Z was sitting at the dining table drawing and out of nowhere she said. "I've never met a person I didn't like."

Isn't that wonderful? I am very happy for her. :) Pere said she is like Will Rogers and actually he is a really good role model. . Last spring she read a biography of his written for children (one of the Value Tales) and she really liked it. She talked about him for days afterwards.

We happen to live by his estate and museum which is open to the public. I think we should go there soon on a field trip.


Yesterday morning Z read a book about division during breakfast (we both usually read to ourselves then.) I can't really say anything about it since I was reading a book about geometry. She wanted to start on the division book now that she has finished her 2nd grade math workbook but I convinced to do the geometry. So that morning she learned what side, vertex, obtuse, acute and right angle are and how to measure angles by measuring things around the house with a protractor.


Also yesterday I told her that after Thanksgiving we are going to homeschool. I said she can basically just do what she wants. I said if she wants she can play all day or we can do different educational type stuff and she interrupted with "educational stuff!" as if she thought she had to make a choice about it tonight. *heh*

Personally I am really looking forward to this new educational experiment. I have actively unschooled (as opposed to just being too busy to do our regular school stuff or taking "break days") for a long time. And five weeks is pretty long so I think we will really get an idea of how that would go.


Today Z had her homeschooling science class that the kids teach themselves. Z played with all the kids in different ways, they hunted for fairies, they had a sword fight and they performed a concert. It was really cool.

One of the mom's has a gifted six year old and she was asking me about Davidson. I told her that I have found it to be completely worthwhile.

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