Sunday, November 05, 2006

10 Random Facts

Like my new friend at Painted Rainbows and Chamomile Tea I would like to share ten random facts.

1. I was born in southern Texas. I lived there until I was five and spent many summers of my childhood there.

2. I used to teach karate and self-defense. The style I did was Kyokushin karate.

3. In the 33 years of my life I have lived in 25 houses.

4. When I was a teenager I worked for a comic book store.

5. I met my husband at a role-playing game get-together.

6. My favorite food in the world is my mother's seafood gumbo.

7. When I was in 8th grade I got sent to the principal's office because I had dyed my hair red.

8. I was born with a heart defect.

9. I used to own a used bookstor.

10. My favorite band is The Beatles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi-thanks for mentioning my blog. It is quite an accomplishment for someone of our generation to have actually owned a bookstore. The large chains have made it nearly impossible to be an independent bookseller. The used market is so interesting right now. There are so many on-line sellers. It is interesting to see the used sellers at library book sales. They have small hand held computers that scan the UPC to determine if there is a market for the book. These are the same people who are providing the used books on The used Amazon market is awesome.