Tuesday, November 07, 2006

acting, Durga, Red Riding Hood, and more

Tonight when I put Z to bed she said she would rather go over her script than have me read her a bedtime story. So I played the parents and she did her lines for a movie she is auditioning for this week.

She is in there now still reading it - this is probably her four or fifth time going through it.

You know, I can't really remember much about being five but I don't know if I would have cared as much about this kind of stuff as Z does. It is hard for me to imagine what is going on in her mind. Can a five year old really want to be an actor? I don't know.


Today I had Z draw a picture of herself as the Hindu Goddess Durga. I told her to give herself many arms and have each arm hold something special to her.

Then I went and took a shower (grin)

When I got out she was done. I thought she would put things in her hands that represented her interests, like music and reading. After that I was going to ask her to make up what she would be the goddess of based on what she was holding in her hands.

But this is what put in her hands "my mommy", "my daddy", "my grandparents", "my friends", "M and A (two close friends), and "my life".

So what she the goddess of? :)


yesterday for her journal I asked her "How would the story be different if you were Red Riding Hood?"

she wrote "I wolud not stray off the path and I wolud not lisen to the wolf. I wolud go to the grandmother's house early so that i migt not meet any wolves because wolves come out at nigt. And if I met any wolves I woldent just stand there talking to it. I wolud run away and screm!"

hee hee


Today's writing assignment was to write what she wants to be when she grows up:

"A mom, a doctor, a actress, a writer, a dancer, a astronot, a teacher, and a basket ball player."

1 comment:

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Z's responses to your writing assingments were very cute.

Good luck to Z on her audition!

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