Monday, April 23, 2007

We had a great day.

Z got a lot of homeschooling done this morning - math, writing, Japanese, science, history, reading and even art!

In the afternoon we did our nine mile round trip ride to piano. It is getting easier and easier.

In the early evening Z went outside to play with the neighborhood girls. They were six, the little girls and two older girls. Pere and I stood around and chatted with the neighbors. We made plans to have one couple over for dinner.

Tonight it was my turn to read to Z and as I had just finished The Enchanted Castle by Edith Nesbit (highly recommended for fantasy loving anglophiles) I needed to pick a new story. I had told Z I would read her a Sherlock Holmes mystery - I am thinking of starting with The Speckled Band.

But tonight I told Z that we were going to "take a stroll down memory lane". I read her some of her favorite picture books from when she was really little

Tikki Tikki Tembo

The Wet Dry book


Madeline and the Bad Hat

Maisy makes Lemonade

Makes Clean Up

I tried to read them using the same voice and actions that I did 4 years ago. I wondered if somewhere in her subconscious she recognized the cadence. Especially the Maisy books - she used to have all of those memorized. They were the first books she could read to me - that an Good Night Moon.


sarah said...

Kitty loved The Enchanted Castle, although we had to skip the part with the weird made-up people, because they scared even me!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

That sounds like a fun idea, I will have to borrow that here. Last night, we were talking to her about her favorite books when she was two: Carlos, Lyle & Frances.

Oh that brings back memories. Maisy & Biscuit were two of the series that were Ami's reads when she was 2. I only owned one or two. We would take her to the bookstore or library and she would read them off the shelf saving us money.