Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Time for myself

When I tell people that I homeschool I often get asked "How do you make time for yourself?"

Really it is not that hard. Z has certain subjects where she doesn't need me at all and I can go take a shower or sequester myself in my room for awhile. I can give her a history or fiction book to read and I just got 30 - 60 minutes to myself.

Then there are subjects where she likes me to be within ear shot so she can ask me questions, but I can be doing other things like laundry or cooking. These days she doesn't need me much for Japanese or writing.

Then there are subjects where I need to sit next to her because she has frequent questions. But still I can check emails or pay bills or read something light, like a magazine. I still like to sit next to her while she is doing EPGY math because they introduce something new almost every class. Also grammar falls in this category.

Of course there are still classes where I am actively engaged in teaching Z. Science, Art (at least the first half, the second half she creates her own thing), piano, voice and usually history. And there are a lot of other times where I am doing something one and one with Z.

But there are also times where she has a playdate and her and her little friend disappear into her room for a couple hours and I am free to write or read. She also takes 4 + hours of classes during the week that I could drop her off at, although I never do. I always stay and read or write. She also likes to play alone in her room for more than an hour every day.

Anytime she needs me I am there. There have been many times where she has walked in on me while I am taking a shower so she can ask me a school (or philosophical) question.

My point is that I am not at a loss for "me time", not really. Of course if she went to school and I didn't have a job I guess I would have a lot more time but that wouldn't really happen. If she was in school I would definitely be working, at least part-time, and then I would have less time to myself than I do now as a full-time homeschooling mom.

Also, not only does homeschooling give me a good amount of time to do my own thing but homeschooling itself is very rewarding. I enjoy it more than any other job I ever had. Maybe I will write about that next time.


C's Learning Treasures said...

I find that I have plenty of me time as well. I think some parents who have kids in PS,feel that we somehow teach like a classroom teacher all day long,now that would be exhausting:0

Anonymous said...

Even with a three year old I find some time for my interests. She is playing more often by herself. Taking a keen interest in her learning is one the most rewarding things that I've ever done. Since I made the decision to to not send her to preschool or beyond I enjoy parenting more.

L said...

That's one of the things which make me nervous when I start thinking about homeschooling my older one or even both of the kids. Right now there are some days when I feel that we both really need a break from each other. It's not that much about my free time but about not being together for a few hours and both doing our own thing.