Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Motives for Blogging

They are threefold

1. So my grandparents and mom and friends can read what their Z is up to. My grandparents and parents live on the other side of the country and don't get to see Z very often. I want them to be able to experience Z growing up. (I should post more pictures, I know)

2. To offer support to other parents with gifted kids, or homeschoolers by sharing what our days are like and what it is like to raise and educate an EG/PG kid. Everyone is different of course but it can be comforting to see other six year olds that are reading adult level books and doing multiplication and division. It is my goal that this blog be at least somewhat helpful to the gifted community. Also I really appreciate being part of the online gifted blogging community and reading comments from people who read graysacademy.

3. Because I like to write. This blog gives me something creative to do. I take a lot more pictures of Z because I know I'll put them on my blog. I try to think about my day in a creative way so I have something interesting to write about. I know I only succeed in making it interesting about once a week *grin* but if you are like me you would rather read less than steller writing everyday than have to wait a week for something inspirational. I do try to write something everyday. And it has been so interesting to go back and look at what I was writing over a year ago and how things have changed and how they stay the same.


C's Learning Treasures said...

Good idea about writing your motives,maybe I need to think of mine;-)

L said...

I am really glad that I came accross your blog. It's nice to see that homeschooling of a gifted child can be done and can work so well. It's nice to look at things Z used to do when she was younger and think if that's something my son would enjoy as well. I found so many useful pointers in your blog.

Thank you.

sarah said...

Thank you for sharing these :-) I could especially relate to - "This blog gives me something creative to do...I try to think about my day in a creative way so I have something interesting to write about."

I do the same thing! Weblogging really has helped me to see my daily life in a nicer, more interesting, way. I'm glad you wrote that :-)