Monday, April 09, 2007

powerful blog post

How the Public School System Crushes Souls .


Sucero Family said...

Wow, H,B, & Z, that is powerful stuff. I am moved and inspired. Your family is always good for that. Anyhow, I recently had a paying gig at a local elementary. I was supposed to play some songs and teach these 3-5th graders how to play guitar a little. When the children started to arrive, all I could see were broken spirits begging for something they didn't have, or used to have. All I could hear was adults exerting their power over these young people. The whole time there was nothing in the form of respect for these kids and even a smile (which is why I was there in the first place) was cause for reprimand. It broke my heart to witness it and having read a good deal about our prison system, it reminded me of all I've read. This issue is almost always on my mind as these children are going to inhabit the same planet as our children and the way they are being ruined in the school and at home gives me, I think, reasonably, cause to worry over this. Can't wait to see you guys when you visit IN. And thanks for being so brave as to post this kind of information.

Cher Mere said...

That is terrible Paul.

But I remember that if you ever showed any sincere interesting in music or poetry or even academics in school you would get ridiculed. :(

Maybe some kids were enjoying the performance but had to put on a bored face.

sarah said...

Very powerful, very true. :-(

Anonymous said...

Yes, I felt it was very hard to dispute even some of the worst things in that essay.

I felt sad this morning when I called a friend to meet me for coffee this afternoon, but she could not because lately when her daughter comes home from school (full-day Kg.) she is exhausted and crying, and usually needs about 90 min. recovery time.

I know this bright, positive, beautiful girl well -- it is such a shame. I would never criticize my friend's decision. It just made me glad to think of my girl spending a lazy morning pretending to be a queen, then a princess, then a sword-fighting knight before sidling up to the piano.