Friday, April 27, 2007

New Books/Old Books

The Invention of Hugo Caberet

I had heard of this book from Mariposa so when I saw it today while I was out shopping I checked it out. It is very interesting! I didn't realize it had so many pictures.

I handed it to Z and she didn't look up from it again for 139 pages.

So that is the book she is going to take with her on her upcoming trip.

Some of you know I used to own a used bookstore. I still have hundreds of rare books that I kept to sell online. I also collect rare books on different topics - home management, Japan, etiquette and especially children's books. I have sooooo many children's books. Many of them are very Charlotte Masony and others are great non-fiction often sought out by homeschoolers.

I have also found a new used bookstore that I have the opportunity to go to every other week. I bought twenty the first time I went and today I found seven more! That's about a book a day! And several of the books I've bought there (for fifty cents or one dollar) are selling for big bucks online. Today I found this old Mother Goose Book. It is very seventies and so beautiful! Z loved it and took it to bed with her tonight. It is selling on the internet from between $30 - $200.

I am thinking it is time that I start selling my rare books and some of my personal children's library online. When we buy a house next year I don't want to have to bring all those books with me.


Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

There is something very magical about that book. Ami had the same reaction.

That is really cool about your book finds.

C's Learning Treasures said...

Do you think O would enjoy that book even though he's 11? It sounds like a neat book.

Forte said...

I know Grace will! She's all over it:) Now we just have to get it....

Cher Mere said...

Hi O's mom

I dunno. It looks like it to me.

Sucero Family said...

I think that O would enjoy it! (a librarian's opinion)

Buying a house next year?? Wonderful!

C's Learning Treasures said...

Thanks,I'm going to try it next time we visit the library,it looks like a book that is good for many age levels:)

Anonymous said...

The Dean book does look so seventies. Seeing that type of illustration takes me back.

You should start selling the books if it will finance something that you want more.

The Hugo Cabet book is amazing. I've not read it but I have looked at some of the illustrations. I like his work.