Thursday, April 26, 2007


In sisterhood of one of my friends who let her daughter have a short haircut I wanted to share some pictures of Z without the traditional long locks of girlhood. The bob and then the wedge was her signature style until this last year where I finally allowed her to start growing it out. For my part I would love to cut it again...

the bob

do you see the wedge in the back?
and who is that cute baby she is sitting with?

short hair really fits her face


sarah said...

Z is so beautiful, she looks lovely with short hair or long. I was actually surprised to see in recent photos just how long it has grown!

I will say though, one thing I've always liked about her hair is that is looks so incredibly cute shorter. Not all children can carry it off in that style. We actually cut my dd's hair to the shoulders last year (inspired in part by Z's hairstyle and partly because I do think shorter hair on little girls can be adorable.) But it didn't suit her so she's growing it long again.

Does Z like her hair longer?

Cher Mere said...

Z has wanted "rapunzel" hair since she was four. We have let her grow it out a couple times and then I talk her into cutting it again. But this time she really doesn't want to hear that.

I think it might look nice when it gets long enough to wear in braids.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! V. always had longish hair, but started to hanker for short last year. Now she also demands chunky bangs! They are a little heavy for my taste, but what can I say? It's her head, and it does tangle much less. She got her hair cut today -- got to go to mom's grown-up stylist for the first time!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

So cute!!! I love her bobs because they showcase her eyes.

It is also really neat that you invested in digital early on. Most of my photos of Ami before 2.5 are on paper.

merry said...

The wonderful Professor Joan Freeman, who writes superb, compassionate, helpful books about gifted children which were my byword when I was raising my gfted daughters, once said that she had noticed that gifted children had a 'look' to them - something very clear and direct about their eyes. Doesn't Z exactly fit that bill? Those big, clear, shining eyes, full of thoughtfulness and intelligence? Lovely pictures!

Sucero Family said...

That baby has the same hairdo now, two years later!
I like Z's hair in a bob, but Rapunzel would also be wonderful.
Thanks for sharing the pics.

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